PT. Fajarindo Faliman Zipper

Deskripsi Perusahaan

PT. Fajarindo Faliman Zipper is a manufacturing company producing zippers and magic tape. Our main brand is Amcozip. We are capable of producing almost every type of zippers available in the market. Our capacity is the largest in Indonesia with 100% locally owned.

Bentuk Kerjasama

Selasa, 16 Juli 2019

Serah terima dokumen kerja sama Internship Program Kalbis Institute

Dr. Joseph M J Renwarin: Vice President Alumni/Student Relationships, Bapak Beni Cahyadi ST: Wakil Direktur Utama PT Fajarindo Faliman Zipper, Bapak Frangky Prubel SE MM: Human Resources Manager PT. Fajarindo Faliman Zipper

Collaboration Date


Jalan Faliman Jaya KM. 19, Jurumudi Baru, RT.005/RW.007, Jurumudi Baru, Benda, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15124